Adobe XD is currently in maintenance mode, so it's no longer available for new downloads and will not shipping any new feature.
Mockplus DT adopts the same editing methods and shortcuts as mainstream design tools such as Figma and Sketch, making it effortless for designers with existing skills to switch seamlessly and start using Mockplus DT.
Mockplus DT values users' input! You can share any feedback, requests, and inquiries via our 24/7 customer support. We'll response promptly and update monthly, along with relevant tutorials and docs, to address any issues or suggestions in the quickest way.
Mockplus DT, a web-based design tool, allows multiple users to co-create on the same project simultaneously, ensuring a seamless collaborative workflow.
All design changes are automatically saved, eliminating the risk of data loss. You can also manually save design versions, track down, and freely restore to any desired version. You are always in control of your designs.
The Comment mode allows users to review designs and pin any design feedback, requirements and specifications directly on the screen via a single link. So, your whole team can easily discuss design details and iterate them together.
Your design review, feedback and iteration process will be significantly accelerated.
Dev mode gives developers everything they need to build the product. Developers can easily access the design via a shared link to inspect and copy automated design specs, assets, code snippets and more in Dev mode. Efficiently and precisely translate designs into codes and speed up the design-to-development process.
Mockplus DT supports importing Sketch and Figma design files for further editing, collaboration and handoff, and also allows exporting Sketch files for use in other design tools, ensuring seamless collaboration and workflow for designers using different design tools within the team.
Mockplus DT perfectly converts external files, not only maintaining their design details but also inheriting their design asset libraries. Designers can easily link those files to original libraries after import, simplifying asset reuse and management.
Speed up your design process and let your imagination fly with hundreds of customizable and scalable design templates.
A secure, agile customizable and scalable version that secures your data on your internal server.
Learn MoreSend us questions or feedback, and also share, learn & grow with other designers.
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